Introduction to Table Tags developed by: Harold Goldstein --

Table Tag Set

<TABLE></TABLE> The TABLE tag set is the overall container for the table. All of the tags that follow must appear within an opening and closing TABLE tag set. This tag has several optional attributes (see below) to help regulate spacing and appearance of content.
<TR></TR> Inserting the TABLE ROW tag will start a new row in the table. This is a containing tag because each row contains cells of table data.
<TD></TD> The TABLE DATA tag is used to start and end individual data cells in the table. There will probably be multiple <TD></TD>tags within a given <TR></TR> set, or table row. Both TABLE DATA cells and TABLE ROWS can take a variety of attributes (see below)
<TH></TH> The TABLE HEADER tag operates just like a TABLE DATA tag except that puts all content into a bold font and centers all text. It is meant to be used for column or row headings. Given the ability to set font colors, sizes, typeface separately from any tag, you're just as well off using the TABLE DATA tags and changing the text within those.
<CAPTION></CAPTION> The CAPTION tag places a label, or caption on your table. Default placement is at the top of the table. Use this tag right after the <TABLE> tag and before you start defining any table rows:

Table Attributes - allow control of position and layout

WIDTH="x%" or WIDTH="x" This attribute can be used with both the <TABLE> and the <TD> tags. The WIDTH attribute determines how much space that particular element will take up. The value assigned to this attribute can be either absolute or in percentages. It is possible to set both the width of the table and the width of particular cells.
BGCOLOR="#rrggbb" This attribute can be used with any of the tags. It will let you set color for the entire table or for a particular portion of the table.
BORDER="x" Used only in the TABLE tag, this attribute sets the width of the outline around the table and its cells. A <TABLE BORDER=0> attribute means the table will not have any outline.
CELLSPACING="x" Used only in the TABLE tag, this attribute sets the amount of space between individual table data cells in a table. The default setting is two.
CELLPADDING="x" Used only in the TABLE tag, this attribute sets the amount of space between the data and the border of the TABLE DATA cells. The default setting is one.
ALIGN="xxx" Used in <TABLE> and <CAPTION> as well as in the <TR>, <TD>, and <TH> tags. This attribute allows you to set the alignment of text with relation to the element. Used in the TABLE tag, it aligns the table to related text outside the table. Possible values are "left" and "right". Used in the CAPTION tag, it sets the caption above or below the table. Possible values are "top" (the default) and "bottom". Used in the last three tags, it sets the horizontal positioning of text inside the cell(s). Possible values are: "left" (the default), "center" and "right".
VALIGN="xxx" Used in <TR>, <TD>, <TH> tags. This attribute allows you to set the alignment of text with the top, bottom or vertical center of the cell(s). The possible values to assign to this attribute are: "top", "middle bottom", or "baseline".
COLSPAN="x" Used in <TH> or <TD> tags, this attribute determines how many columns wide that particular cell is. The default value is one.
ROWSPAN="x" Used in <TH> or <TD> tags, this attribute determines how many rows that particular cell will span. The default value is one.
NOWRAP Used in <TH> or <TD> tags, this attribute ensures that lines of text in the cell will not be broken up to fit the cell. Instead it forces the cell size to fit the text. This can result in very wide cells.

Goldray Copyright © 2001 Goldray Consulting Group
Comments Appreciated for Version 10-10-2001