Internet Search

developed by: Harold Goldstein -- --

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Use this InfoToday article to learn the ins & outs and stay abreast of top search tools.
Searchengineshowdown rate all search sites, metasearchers, directories, has search tips.
Berkeley offers a comprehensive tutorial. Wikipedia is, well, Wikipedia!
About.Com's search page has articles, hints - updated regularly; see invisible web resources.
CompletePlanet searches periodicals, books, maps, almanacs, the 'invisible web'.
All Purpose Search Also see my huge compendium of search tools
Search Bug - Surfwax - Answers.Com Search resources; desk references, publications, tech material, travel, maps, financials, entertainment ... Surfwax does search engines, invisible web ... Answers.Com answers questions ... Highbeam ($) searches published sources.
Web Searches  
Dogpile - search multiple engines.
Quintera, Google, Bing
All with different takes on search and different tools but Google is king.

Yahoo, MEL, WWW Virtual Library,

Yahoo is the original directory; The WWW VL is by subject experts; MEL, uses the library model.
Searching for Software
CNet Download.Com; software libraries, shareware & freeware.

Searching for People, Businesses ( see Pandia's pages and/or About.Com for hints )
RetroSleuth, Pipl, Searchbug - email, phone/address, reverse lookup; people, businesses, govts in US.
Canada 411, YellowPages, Whowhere (Lycos),- international; Internet800 - tollfree.
KNOWX, USSearch, Instant Check search public records . (part free/mostly $$)
Search Netsol for U.S. domain information, Geektools too; Marcaria for worldwide coverage.

Shopping Related
Big Yellow is a huge Yellow pages; Searchenginewatch lists shopping search engines
Prices - CNET for electronics, AddAll & Bookfinder for books, MySimon, PricingCentral, Froogle for everything.
More on shopping - or Catalog City for product research, Cairo or Shoplocal for local stores,

Searching Usenet, Mailing Lists, Blogs - News2Web accesses Usenet w/browser.
LSoft for listservs; Boardreader for message boards.
Blogdigger, Yippy search through blogs.

Miscellaneous Others
Picsearch, Google, Yahoo - image search; About.Com - many image and other media resources.
Yahoo, Findsounds for sounds; LawCrawler, Findlaw- legal stuff; Medical Search;
SearchEdu and SearchMil for specific domains.
Archive - old websites (the wayback machine); you may search it.
International Stats- US Census; Useful databases- Melissa;
Infomine for scholarly collections; the Social Science Gateway;
US Govt: IIT Library; News- NewsNow, Google has news alerts +adv search, Topix is terrific.

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