General Acrobat/PDF Resource Sites - also see my plug-in reference.
Resourcescreated by Harold Goldstein -- -- offers a thorough Resource Center w/ tips and tutorials and hosts forums on Acrobat and Reader. is a free remotely hosted service which creates flip books from pdf files. It's like having a real book. The PDFZone is an all purpose resource; pdf tips, email lists and forums ... Planet PDF is an overall resource; tips, news, tools, etc. See the developer section. Guru Lair - Acrobat library loaded with tips, techniques, tutorials, utilities; even two way page linking (pdf/html). The PDF Research Companion w/many articles; see HTML/PDF comparison & the 'how-to' page. About.Com has a series of PDF tutorials , miscellaneous articles and news. Acrobat 6 and 7 Features
PlanetPDF offers a range of articles on Acrobat 7; a first look, their take (w/ chart of new features), family feature matrix ... PDFZone has a detailed review of Acrobat 7; CreativePro also offers a useful review of 7. Acrobat 6 and accessibility from Adobe and now Acrobat 7 and accesibility - including how-to guides. New features of Acrobat 7 Standard and Professional from Adobe. ZD Net announces the release of Acrobat 7 and overviews the new features. Creating PDFs - Other Options
OpenOffice offers PDF export without the need for any additional third party software. Leadtools Eprint Pro converts between HTML and PDF. PDF IT is a Firefox extension that allows easy conversion of webpages to PDF. FOXit provides a variety of PDF creation/viewing tools. PrintToPDF is a shareware Macintosh printer driver that creates PDF files. PDFmyURL will convert your URL to a PDF file online. PDFlite is a free and open source PDF viewer and PDF printer. WIN2PDF, Jaws PDFcreator, sector7g PDFcreator, easyPDF, Sonic PDF creator and PDFmail - low cost PDF creation tools, some with additional editing and manipulation capabilities. CutePDF Writer, pdf995, the NLM's DocMorph and MyMorph, PDF reDirect, PrimoPDF, Sourceforge's PDFcreator and WinPDF. are free PDF creators - some have pay versions w/additional features. Adobe's subscription online pdfmaker; Try this free online service from pdf online; also a desktop application is available. Click to Convert tools can create PDF or HTML from a variety of formats. Tools for Conversion into other Formats and Extracting Elements from PDFs
About.Com article on extracting text and images from PDFs with tutorials. Use PDF to EXCEL to convert any PDF to an EXCEL file - instantly, online and free. Smallpdf converts between PDF, JPG, and from word, excel and powerpoint. Adobe has an online pdf-html converter (can be used on your own site), a converter that goes both ways and conversion to HTML or plain text via email. Investech's Able2Extract converts PDF tp Excel, Word, RTF, HTML effectively. The Pro version also converts scanned PDFs. Iceni Technology's Gemini converts PDF to HTML, RTF, image formats, text. ABBYY PDF Transformer converts PDF to word, excel, html, text. Opens directly in desired app.($50) Other conversion options include: Magellan and PDF Converter to HTML, Sourceforge html-pdf converter, various BCL Technologies tools, Freebird to image formats. pdfMachine is a print driver that enables pdf creation; IDR offers a variety of PDF conversions. PDF Utilities - either Extend Acrobat - or Acrobat Replacements
Adobe's Save as XML can save TAGGED PDF as HTML w/CSS; use the MakeAccessible plugin to create tagged PDF that is accessible and can saved as RTF. Fill out PDF forms online and save them with PDF Filler. ARTS tools include splitter and linking tools and additional STAMPING tools for acrobat; PDF Workshop is for file management. PDFsoft has a family of plug-ins for form/database integration, easier ways to add content and meta data to PDFs and the like. There is an online hosting for PDF froms and a free boomark creation tool. Appligent tools merge PDFs and FDFs, stamps multiple files, more; free plug-ins like a page reverser. pdf995 is a comprehensive acrobat-like tool - pdfedit995 facilitates link creation - free with ads in browser; low cost otherwise. Impress from Mapsoft enables text to be added to a range of pages in a PDF file. Other plugins can mask sections of pages, change page sizes quickly, add PDF functions to pagemaker. DTSearch spiders and searches PDF, HTML and XML collections; on the web or on a network. ACRO Buttons is a plug-in that creates toolbar buttons with enhanced functionality; PDFSPy extracts attributes from a PDF file. Specific Tricks/Issues
Searchtools.Com discusses PDF search and lists options. How to create an HTML link to a specific page in a PDF file. PDF for Prepress from About.Com. Reduce PDF file size w/ PlanetPDF or PDF Enhancer or pdfCompressor or pdfShrink. Try Adobe for hints. How to run Acrobat Reader from a CD. Here are other CD autorun tools. Adobe has tips for learning javaScript as it pertains to Acrobat; also see planetPDF for tutorials. The first accessibility FAQ for 5.0. A Guide for creating accessible PDFs. Abbyy's FineReader OCR will take PDF as input or output; will produce Word from PDF. When a PDF doesn't appear in the browser window. Acrobat/PDF Books - or see other pdf books at Amazon
"Adobe Acrobat X Pdf Bible", Ted Padova, 2003.
"PDF Hacks", Sid Stewart, O'Reilly, 2004 - tricks and tips.