Diagnosticsdeveloper: Harold Goldstein -
General Purpose Website Diagnosis
First see this compendium of Testing/Management Tools or this useful tool list.
- Netmechanic tests html validity, browser compatibility, links, spelling, search engine submission, load time and popularity. Check single pages free; from $50/yr.
- SiteReportCard offers a similar suite of free services for single URLs.
- Htmlhelp offers Valet for testing.
More specific Diagnostics
- Websitetips lists link checking software and html validators.
- Elsop offers Quickcheck as a free online linkchecker and Linkscan as a more powerful downloadable product for $$.
- The W3c HTML Validation Service and the CSE HTML Validator validates your HTML.
- Check your website status with InternetSeer or Atwatch (costs $$), or 1 site with siteuptime.
- The Wave & others test accessibility. (see my accessibility resource list)
Standalone Software Tools
- Html Tidy (SOFTWARE) and Tidy online is a neat utility/editor that repairs bad HTML.
- Talicom's Powertools (full suite is $30) is an HTML toolbox; check syntax, spelling, links, more
- The CSE Validator ($70 or $130 pro version w/a free lite version and A Real Validator to check HTML syntax.
- Xenu's Link Sleuth is a free standalone link checker.
Image Optimization
- SiteReportCard will optimize gifs and jpgs that are online or offline - fast but erratic.
- Dynamic Drive has an excellent optimizer w/300k maximum size.
- Gif/Jpgcrunchers; excellent gif and jpg optimizers.
- The diagnostic suites above, such as Netmechanic, do image optimization.
- My Imager is a free online image editor limited to 500k files - excellent.
- The Chami online JPEG Compressor works with online jpgs only.
- WebGraphics Optimizer (both), A Smaller Gif (for Gifs) are software solutions.