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Your site needs to be findable in the vast array of search tools available today. That involves a bit of luck, some black magic and voodoo and a few things you can do youself to enhance your chances. We can't do anything about the luck or the voodoo but we'll help with the latter. You'll need to gather all your pertinent URLs, EMail and postal addresses, contact names, phone and fax numbers, 25 and 100 word descriptions of your site in text and html format and maybe a few other things before you start.
Check out the general discussions of promoting your site on the Web so that you are cognizant of and understand the ideas involved. It is important to understand what makes the search engines tick. Search Engine Watch is a comprehensive guide to search engines and how they work. Free Pint has a good overview for the beginner.
But just submitting is not enough. We have thoroughly researched the many resources available; tools, articles and services, and we now offer a comprehensive class in Search Engine Positioning that can be structured for either one or two days. We can also customize a course and deliver it on your site.
If you'd rather not submit your site yourself then explore submission packages that automatically make multiple submissions. You can also, of course, hire me
to submit you to the key sites listed here and advise you on other marketing strategies and site planning and design issues. Before spending much money you might check your present position on the search engines using Webposition or download link popularity check.
There are other techniques that will bring traffic to your site. You can announce your site in Usenet Newsgroups and use other mechanisms such as direct email and banner advertising. Finally, your URL must be part of your business identity; on your business cards, stationary, advertising, checks, whatever.
Search Engine Positioning and other Marketing Issues
- We have developed a great SE Placement Resource Compendium.
- SearchEngineWriting.Com presents a strategy to score highly using effective keywords.
- Publicizing Your Web Site, by Webcom, has pointers to discussions of the nature of Web publishing, preparations to take before publishing and excellent site listings.
- Also read Web Promotion 101 and Deadlock for other pointers.
Submission Sites
First a word of warning. While these submission services often offer good value their effectiveness is not guaranteed. Ask for written confirmations of their results, use one of the mentioned services to check your position, visit the websites yourself, or download link popularity check. A static page will gradually lose position in the rankings so consider occasional, even if minor, updates. See bestaddurl for more options.
- Ineedhits has a couple of packages from $5 and up.
Offline Submission Software
This list may not be up to the minute so see Tucows great list for the most recent additions.
- Addsoft is automates submission to over 100 of the most important sites. There is a 'pro' version that has many enhancements.
- The Exploit Submission Wizard uses your material to submit registrations. A free version submits to 25 engines while a shareware version, paid for monthly, submits to many more.
Where to submit YOUR Site.
General Web Indexing Services
- Yahoo, the key directory, allows submission by category with short descriptions. For $200 you can use Yahoo's Web Launch to announce in a Yahoo ad. Here is a new free submit for YAHOO.
- The open directory project at DMOZ gets you into many engines, including AOL search, while collects results from other search engines.
- Google is the dominant search engine - you must be included; use googlerankings to check position, google webalerts to track status, search google for info:yourdomain for more.
- Alta Vista, AlltheWeb are important and owned by YAHOO so use free YAHOO submit as above
- The Looksmart Network includes now charges either $99 or $199 for different levels of special submission and can be accessed from its members such as Excite, and Webcrawler.
Search Engine Placement
These offer legitmate ways to bid on key words within a set budget. You pay for click throughs.
- Google Ad Words - you create the ad, you bid on key words, you pay for click throughs.
- Overture - has a similar system where ads appear on the other major search engine players.
- Wordtracker - buying words is one thing but you need to know the right words.
Yellow Page Services and Internet Malls with Free Listings
(some of these may also offer paid listings with better placement, etc.)
- Galaxy is a directory service - you can submit a 60 day classified free or a directory listing from $10 and up.
Meta Tags and Related Trivia
You need to have keywords and description meta tags. To facilitate your choice of keywords use the Overture Search Suggestion tool as described by Selfpromotion whose fine tutorial includes a great article about preparing your pages for the search engines (meta tags, title tag, etc.).Other Mechanisms for Marketing and Publicizing your Website.
Traditional mechanisms should be used as well. Press Releases, for example; the Internet News Bureau, the PRWeb, and Click2Newsites allow you to submit free releases.Email spamming is, of course, a curse for us all but there are more legitimate approaches to targeting email. First there are legitimate mailing lists of people who want to receive targeted email concerning specific topics. Second there are media mailing lists appropriate for press releases. Third you may contract to have a banner advertisement of your site placed in various locations. Webpromote is one company that can perform all three of these services.
Newsgroups/Mailing Lists for Possible Announcement of your Sites
You can post an announcement telling about your new site in appropriate Newsgroups or mailing lists if that list allows. Some newsgroups even welcome these messages; take a look at, comp.infosystems.www.announce,, among others, for this purpose.Also see Google to find or search the archives of newsgroups for an appropriate vehicle.